Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Komoditi)
*) Nilai : Juta US$
HS URAIAN 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Trend (%)
2019 - 2023
Perub (%)
2023 - 2022
Peran (%)
Jan-Agu Perub (%)
2024/ 2023
Peran (%)
2023 2024
NON MIGAS 149,390.4 127,312.0 170,660.9 197,030.7 186,055.8 9.15 -5.57 100.00 124,744.0 127,829.4 2.47 100.00
84 MESIN-MESIN/PESAWAT MEKANIK 26,817.4 21,808.5 25,845.8 31,572.8 32,155.9 7.61 1.85 17.28 20,981.8 21,760.7 3.71 17.02
85 MESIN/PERALATAN LISTRIK 20,060.5 19,027.9 22,338.5 26,376.3 25,766.4 8.62 -2.31 13.85 17,548.2 17,915.2 2.09 14.01
72 BESI DAN BAJA 10,397.0 6,855.2 11,957.1 13,932.8 11,381.5 9.31 -18.31 6.12 7,696.2 6,857.7 -10.89 5.36
87 KENDARAAN DAN BAGIANNYA 7,161.4 4,437.2 6,702.3 9,503.0 10,204.8 15.83 7.38 5.48 7,197.7 5,999.7 -16.64 4.69
39 PLASTIK DAN BARANG DARI PLASTIK 8,784.6 7,154.6 10,185.2 11,123.5 9,402.4 5.94 -15.47 5.05 6,210.0 6,940.6 11.77 5.43
29 BAHAN KIMIA ORGANIK 5,818.6 5,026.8 7,292.4 7,712.3 6,421.8 6.45 -16.73 3.45 4,311.4 4,921.2 14.14 3.85
10 GANDUM-GANDUMAN 3,237.3 3,021.8 4,074.0 4,455.3 5,952.6 17.43 33.61 3.20 3,649.3 4,848.3 32.85 3.79
73 BENDA-BENDA DARI BESI DAN BAJA 3,651.3 2,783.7 3,138.2 3,986.4 4,349.7 7.35 9.11 2.34 3,044.0 2,751.4 -9.61 2.15
23 AMPAS/SISA INDUSTRI MAKANAN 2,649.4 2,910.8 3,950.0 4,581.9 4,312.2 15.35 -5.89 2.32 3,057.0 2,542.5 -16.83 1.99
27 BAHAN BAKAR MINERAL 1,594.7 1,522.6 3,311.0 4,480.2 4,290.0 35.78 -4.25 2.31 2,934.8 3,114.4 6.12 2.44
90 PERANGKAT OPTIK 2,874.4 2,907.1 3,183.4 3,575.3 3,800.0 7.95 6.28 2.04 2,396.0 2,801.0 16.90 2.19
17 GULA DAN KEMBANG GULA 1,679.5 2,276.1 2,751.6 3,447.0 3,361.3 19.75 -2.49 1.81 2,218.3 2,356.8 6.24 1.84
38 BERBAGAI PRODUK KIMIA 2,601.4 2,974.9 3,783.2 3,898.7 3,214.6 7.18 -17.55 1.73 2,163.5 2,283.7 5.55 1.79
71 PERHIAASAN/PERMATA 1,918.5 2,008.9 2,845.1 3,699.6 2,795.8 14.61 -24.43 1.50 1,921.4 2,469.0 28.50 1.93
40 KARET DAN BARANG DARI KARET 2,053.8 1,767.2 2,544.5 2,848.3 2,608.6 10.03 -8.42 1.40 1,645.2 1,832.9 11.41 1.43
28 BAHAN KIMIA ANORGANIK 1,898.3 1,559.2 2,236.5 2,762.9 2,416.4 11.12 -12.54 1.30 1,624.3 1,811.0 11.50 1.42
31 PUPUK 1,523.7 1,337.3 2,204.3 3,665.1 2,025.2 17.09 -44.74 1.09 1,459.4 1,293.2 -11.39 1.01
76 ALUMINIUM 1,891.6 1,415.7 2,086.1 2,416.1 2,000.4 6.68 -17.21 1.08 1,364.5 1,409.8 3.32 1.10
12 BIJI-BIJIAN BERMINYAK 1,489.5 1,420.6 1,919.2 2,181.0 1,950.4 10.16 -10.57 1.05 1,446.9 1,380.0 -4.63 1.08
94 PERABOT, PENERANGAN RUMAH 1,201.5 1,045.9 1,351.7 1,871.0 1,765.8 14.47 -5.62 0.95 1,088.0 1,111.0 2.11 0.87
54 FILAMEN BUATAN 1,681.0 1,178.1 1,638.9 1,944.4 1,751.2 6.00 -9.94 0.94 1,200.9 1,214.7 1.15 0.95
26 BIJIH, KERAK,, DAN ABU LOGAM 598.2 782.5 1,757.3 1,437.3 1,735.0 31.49 20.71 0.93 1,097.8 1,832.8 66.96 1.43
48 KERTAS/KARTON 1,584.6 1,265.6 1,528.2 1,794.8 1,637.7 4.24 -8.75 0.88 1,089.7 1,102.9 1.22 0.86
52 KAPAS 1,974.9 1,327.7 1,866.1 2,243.5 1,519.5 0.00 -32.27 0.82 987.9 986.0 -0.19 0.77
47 BUBUR KAYU/PULP 1,542.6 1,249.7 2,000.4 2,049.8 1,513.3 4.67 -26.17 0.81 1,113.2 1,044.5 -6.17 0.82
60 KAIN RAJUTAN 1,600.0 1,397.4 1,990.8 1,944.9 1,510.1 2.17 -22.35 0.81 1,023.3 1,169.0 14.23 0.91
04 SUSU, MENTEGA, TELUR 1,143.4 1,156.6 1,394.3 1,989.2 1,474.3 11.08 -25.88 0.79 1,056.3 979.6 -7.26 0.77
74 TEMBAGA 1,308.5 1,049.5 1,566.5 1,451.3 1,462.5 5.62 0.77 0.79 994.2 1,035.7 4.17 0.81
08 BUAH-BUAHAN 1,486.0 1,271.5 1,499.6 1,500.6 1,445.5 1.11 -3.67 0.78 894.0 1,063.1 18.92 0.83
30 PRODUK INDUSTRI FARMASI 912.2 1,158.8 4,359.6 1,565.3 1,441.6 12.93 -7.90 0.77 974.6 952.6 -2.26 0.75
32 SARI BAHAN SAMAK & CELUP 1,493.3 1,254.3 1,678.7 1,624.7 1,386.0 1.10 -14.69 0.74 932.8 990.5 6.18 0.77
33 MINYAK ATSIRI, KOSMETIK WANGI-WANGIAN 1,304.6 1,131.9 1,272.1 1,336.7 1,380.3 2.83 3.26 0.74 914.4 997.2 9.05 0.78
25 GARAM, BELERANG, KAPUR 887.5 758.3 1,230.1 1,702.7 1,332.6 17.61 -21.73 0.72 868.7 880.6 1.36 0.69
89 KAPAL LAUT 937.1 955.2 803.4 789.2 1,186.0 2.84 50.27 0.64 848.5 617.2 -27.26 0.48
55 SERAT STAFEL BUATAN 1,193.4 840.7 1,006.6 1,148.4 1,163.6 2.65 1.32 0.63 759.5 730.1 -3.86 0.57
21 BERBAGAI MAKANAN OLAHAN 824.7 818.7 1,003.6 1,207.2 1,053.4 9.18 -12.74 0.57 724.7 778.5 7.42 0.61
88 KAPAL TERBANG DAN BAGIANNYA 519.9 388.4 522.7 303.5 1,034.1 11.95 240.72 0.56 808.0 528.1 -34.64 0.41
02 DAGING HEWAN 850.2 710.5 965.3 1,072.6 1,016.8 8.00 -5.21 0.55 626.5 398.9 -36.32 0.31
07 SAYURAN 770.1 846.4 977.2 952.3 1,013.9 6.91 6.47 0.54 592.4 609.9 2.95 0.48
98 KOMPONEN KENDARAAN 536.1 266.1 426.5 965.9 1,009.1 29.10 4.47 0.54 713.7 347.2 -51.35 0.27
18 KAKAO/COKLAT 776.0 650.7 804.3 822.9 979.6 7.26 19.05 0.53 684.0 804.9 17.68 0.63
64 ALAS KAKI 873.1 617.3 732.2 1,030.0 968.9 7.47 -5.93 0.52 615.4 665.3 8.11 0.52
83 BERBAGAI BARANG LOGAM DASAR 827.3 674.6 900.7 1,034.3 901.2 6.17 -12.88 0.48 606.5 604.8 -0.28 0.47
24 TEMBAKAU 689.7 664.3 723.7 813.5 886.0 7.29 8.91 0.48 537.4 740.8 37.85 0.58
96 BERBAGAI BARANG BUATAN PABRIK 636.1 500.8 596.3 700.3 716.3 5.90 2.30 0.39 469.1 476.0 1.48 0.37
69 PRODUK KERAMIK 524.8 491.5 697.6 897.9 701.1 12.55 -21.91 0.38 458.7 489.2 6.65 0.38
34 SABUN DAN PREPARAT PEMBERSIH 549.3 535.2 652.3 707.6 672.3 7.07 -5.00 0.36 450.3 486.6 8.07 0.38
82 PERKAKAS, PERANGKAT POTONG 624.4 547.0 699.6 732.6 634.3 3.29 -13.42 0.34 437.7 405.7 -7.31 0.32
35 PEREKAT, ENZIM 504.3 510.6 595.5 726.2 626.0 8.16 -13.80 0.34 442.2 414.3 -6.31 0.32
68 BENDA-BENDA DARI BATU, GIPS DAN SEMEN 499.7 413.0 525.0 558.5 625.7 7.80 12.03 0.34 433.0 343.8 -20.59 0.27
56 KAPAS GUMPALAN, TALI 538.3 566.8 627.9 655.2 611.6 4.09 -6.65 0.33 416.8 449.4 7.82 0.35
59 KAIN DITENUN BERLAPIS 727.3 578.5 802.2 760.3 592.4 -1.36 -22.09 0.32 391.0 470.2 20.24 0.37
41 JANGAT DAN KULIT MERAH 508.5 384.1 530.7 592.6 555.4 6.29 -6.27 0.30 377.9 437.2 15.69 0.34
99 BARANG KIRIMAN 5.2 1.3 52.7 115.6 549.1 298.94 374.92 0.30 310.6 419.3 35.01 0.33
09 KOPI, TEH, REMPAH-REMPAH 262.2 233.2 325.4 502.1 537.7 24.65 7.09 0.29 421.1 350.9 -16.67 0.27
19 OLAHAN DARI TEPUNG 487.5 477.8 541.3 568.2 537.2 3.74 -5.45 0.29 369.3 313.2 -15.20 0.24
42 BARANG-BARANG DARI KULIT 480.9 286.7 348.2 508.3 527.1 7.86 3.70 0.28 353.2 288.7 -18.28 0.23
44 KAYU, BARANG DARI KAYU 541.3 350.2 455.1 552.3 525.5 4.04 -4.85 0.28 365.6 417.6 14.23 0.33
70 KACA & BARANG DARI KACA 424.0 345.3 429.5 512.8 493.8 7.26 -3.70 0.27 325.5 367.3 12.84 0.29
03 IKAN DAN UDANG 299.1 256.8 333.4 535.7 479.6 18.29 -10.47 0.26 335.1 212.8 -36.48 0.17
95 MAINAN 430.9 337.7 398.7 437.1 453.9 3.69 3.85 0.24 301.3 346.2 14.93 0.27
86 LOKOMOTIF DAN PERALATAN KERETA API 204.7 164.8 337.2 600.4 429.5 31.98 -28.46 0.23 352.3 164.7 -53.24 0.13
01 BINATANG HIDUP 631.1 471.0 572.0 512.3 401.4 -7.88 -21.65 0.22 272.5 364.3 33.69 0.29
79 SENG 422.5 316.2 462.0 484.3 389.1 2.65 -19.66 0.21 267.7 267.8 0.02 0.21
20 OLAHAN DARI BUAH-BUAHAN/SAYURAN 224.8 197.8 222.5 290.5 350.4 13.56 20.62 0.19 231.5 218.9 -5.47 0.17
91 LONCENG, ARLOJI DAN BAGIANNYA 236.8 182.6 267.3 337.3 329.9 13.62 -2.20 0.18 220.4 256.5 16.35 0.20
58 KAIN TENUNAN KHUSUS 364.2 259.8 353.8 362.3 297.4 -0.72 -17.89 0.16 192.0 212.0 10.43 0.17
15 LEMAK & MINYAK HEWAN/NABATI 250.9 220.7 339.5 371.0 282.2 7.84 -23.94 0.15 181.1 227.9 25.83 0.18
61 BARANG-BARANG RAJUTAN 422.1 295.7 326.0 285.8 271.7 -8.75 -4.93 0.15 176.6 175.7 -0.51 0.14
62 PAKAIAN JADI BUKAN RAJUTAN 427.6 331.6 311.6 300.5 267.7 -9.83 -10.93 0.14 173.6 169.6 -2.33 0.13
93 SENJATA AMUNISI 138.6 404.6 273.9 225.1 234.3 4.75 4.12 0.13 116.3 155.2 33.43 0.12
49 BUKU DAN BARANG CETAKAN 172.3 142.6 168.3 194.0 208.0 7.08 7.22 0.11 147.5 142.4 -3.47 0.11
11 HASIL PENGGILINGAN 418.3 286.0 200.6 383.6 188.7 -12.18 -50.80 0.10 119.3 338.2 183.53 0.26
22 MINUMAN 136.3 122.9 177.1 198.9 167.5 9.35 -15.77 0.09 112.1 91.2 -18.68 0.07
63 KAIN PERCA 164.5 308.8 328.2 246.0 163.0 -2.43 -33.76 0.09 103.7 75.2 -27.49 0.06
92 PERANGKAT MUSIK 172.7 143.9 194.7 192.2 145.6 -0.51 -24.23 0.08 95.9 96.0 0.10 0.08
36 BAHAN PELEDAK 91.5 84.6 97.6 98.1 138.3 10.22 40.96 0.07 81.9 72.2 -11.89 0.06
53 SERAT TEKSTIL DAN BENANG KERTAS 86.2 56.7 98.5 107.8 107.5 11.44 -0.28 0.06 34.3 60.9 77.72 0.05
05 PRODUK HEWANI 171.9 149.1 141.1 119.0 106.2 -11.21 -10.75 0.06 79.6 70.1 -11.86 0.05
75 NIKEL 112.9 90.4 108.1 79.5 88.8 -5.90 11.71 0.05 57.3 75.1 31.14 0.06
13 LAK, GETAH, DAN DAMAR 85.5 80.7 92.6 101.3 87.0 2.66 -14.10 0.05 60.0 57.6 -3.98 0.05
81 LOGAM DASAR LAINNYA 88.8 94.0 106.2 84.7 82.2 -2.54 -2.95 0.04 54.3 54.6 0.58 0.04
51 WOL, BULU HEWAN 114.6 44.9 64.4 110.3 74.1 0.28 -32.80 0.04 53.6 55.3 3.14 0.04
37 BARANG-BARANG FOTOGRAFI/SINEMATOGRAFI 74.2 48.4 64.9 70.6 66.9 1.73 -5.24 0.04 43.6 40.1 -8.01 0.03
78 TIMAH HITAM 164.7 81.2 137.0 104.4 66.0 -14.59 -36.77 0.04 43.2 43.8 1.49 0.03
16 DAGING DAN IKAN OLAHAN 54.8 52.2 65.5 72.6 64.9 6.91 -10.56 0.03 44.3 45.4 2.48 0.04
67 BULU UNGGAS 98.5 86.3 71.1 57.5 58.0 -13.64 0.85 0.03 40.4 31.5 -22.16 0.02
65 TUTUP KEPALA 39.4 35.4 35.0 45.8 49.2 7.27 7.34 0.03 30.3 29.9 -1.14 0.02
80 TIMAH 15.2 12.5 19.9 36.2 35.6 31.84 -1.51 0.02 18.6 24.6 32.29 0.02
66 PAYUNG 21.5 19.2 22.3 26.8 27.3 8.48 1.81 0.01 16.7 14.1 -15.69 0.01
97 HASIL KARYA SENI 6.5 1.8 1.5 4.3 18.6 34.57 337.73 0.01 12.8 5.1 -60.04 0.00
06 POHON HIDUP, DAN BUNGA POTONG 9.3 8.0 12.1 11.9 11.7 8.82 -1.28 0.01 7.0 7.9 12.97 0.01
57 PERMADANI 83.1 10.2 8.7 14.2 9.4 -33.20 -34.11 0.01 7.3 3.9 -45.98 0.00
43 KULIT BERBULU 9.9 2.5 6.1 5.8 6.9 1.24 18.76 0.00 6.1 9.0 46.56 0.01
45 GABUS DAN BARANG-BARANG GABUS 5.8 5.9 7.7 11.3 6.3 8.55 -44.44 0.00 4.3 4.5 3.60 0.00
14 BAHAN-BAHAN NABATI 2.1 1.5 2.1 3.0 3.9 20.73 32.77 0.00 2.7 2.1 -23.44 0.00
50 SUTERA 2.8 3.5 2.6 3.0 2.7 -2.44 -11.97 0.00 2.2 2.0 -5.91 0.00
46 JERAMI/BAHAN ANYAMAN 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.9 7.66 -16.13 0.00 0.5 0.6 18.09 0.00

Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik, diolah Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Kementerian Perdagangan

*) Nilai : Juta US$
HS URAIAN 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Trend (%)
2019 - 2023
Perub (%)
2023 - 2022
Peran (%)
Jan-Agu Perub (%)
2024/ 2023
Peran (%)
2023 2024
271012 Petroleum Oils And Oils From Bituminous Minerals, Not Containing Biodiesel, Not Crude, Not Waste Oils; Preparations N.e.c, Containing By Weight 70% Or More Of Petroleum Oils Or Oils From Bituminous Minerals; Light Oils And Preparations 9,650.7 5,795.3 10,902.0 17,044.8 14,228.1 20.38 -16.53 16.13 9,287.6 9,143.6 -1.55 15.16
270900 Oils; Petroleum Oils And Oils Obtained From Bituminous Minerals, Crude 5,704.6 3,391.7 7,047.2 11,455.4 11,142.2 29.12 -2.73 12.63 6,839.4 6,994.9 2.27 11.60
271019 Petroleum Oils And Oils From Bituminous Minerals, Not Containing Biodiesel, Not Crude, Not Waste Oils; Preparations N.e.c, Containing By Weight 70% Or More Of Petroleum Oils Or Oils From Bituminous Minerals; Not Light Oils And Preparations 3,424.2 2,168.8 3,058.6 6,347.8 6,046.9 24.75 -4.74 6.85 3,363.3 5,304.6 57.72 8.80
100199 Cereals; Wheat And Meslin, Other Than Durum Wheat, Other Than Seed 2,799.3 2,616.0 3,548.4 3,810.4 3,758.4 10.13 -1.36 4.26 2,555.3 2,642.3 3.41 4.38
230400 Oil-cake And Other Solid Residues; Whether Or Not Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, Resulting From The Extraction Of Soya-bean Oil 1,658.7 1,938.2 2,679.4 3,193.8 3,018.5 18.49 -5.49 3.42 2,176.3 1,721.1 -20.91 2.85
170114 Sugars; Cane Sugar, Raw, In Solid Form, Other Than As Specified In Subheading Note 2 To This Chapter, Not Containing Added Flavouring Or Colouring Matter 1,317.6 1,813.6 2,229.9 2,825.1 2,700.7 20.67 -4.40 3.06 1,747.3 1,908.1 9.20 3.16
851770 Telephone Sets And Other Apparatus For The Transmission Or Reception Of Voice, Images Or Other Data, Via A Wired Or Wireless Network; Parts 4,273.3 4,338.8 4,044.2 3,486.0 2,625.0 -11.25 -24.70 2.98 1,796.6 2,197.2 22.29 3.64
710812 Metals; Gold, Non-monetary, Unwrought (but Not Powder) 1,765.8 1,898.6 2,675.1 3,517.4 2,595.1 14.87 -26.22 2.94 1,789.6 2,337.5 30.61 3.88
270112 Coal; Bituminous, Whether Or Not Pulverised, But Not Agglomerated 866.4 643.1 1,747.4 2,776.9 2,504.3 43.13 -9.82 2.84 1,687.1 2,054.5 21.78 3.41
854290 Parts Of Electronic Integrated Circuits 694.4 885.9 1,616.5 2,050.8 2,325.3 38.49 13.38 2.64 1,552.1 1,629.6 4.99 2.70
851712 Telephones For Cellular Networks Or For Other Wireless Networks 265.6 587.0 833.2 1,097.6 1,974.0 59.00 79.85 2.24 1,292.7 1,508.6 16.71 2.50
271113 Petroleum Gases And Other Gaseous Hydrocarbons; Liquefied, Butanes 1,258.2 1,292.8 2,012.4 2,434.6 1,829.9 14.82 -24.84 2.07 1,224.4 1,231.2 0.56 2.04
271112 Petroleum Gases And Other Gaseous Hydrocarbons; Liquefied, Propane 1,242.7 1,282.0 2,048.4 2,413.1 1,803.2 14.76 -25.27 2.04 1,224.2 1,215.0 -0.75 2.01
100630 Cereals; Rice, Semi-milled Or Wholly Milled, Whether Or Not Polished Or Glazed 4.2 19.4 41.6 54.5 1,602.2 264.91 2,838.21 1.82 773.5 1,740.0 124.94 2.89
851762 Communication Apparatus (excluding Telephone Sets Or Base Stations); Machines For The Reception, Conversion And Transmission Or Regeneration Of Voice, Images Or Other Data, Including Switching And Routing Apparatus 844.3 844.4 886.3 1,373.7 1,498.5 17.75 9.09 1.70 892.7 965.2 8.11 1.60
120190 Soya Beans; Other Than Seed, Whether Or Not Broken 1,064.6 1,003.4 1,482.8 1,627.1 1,474.7 12.02 -9.37 1.67 1,108.3 1,013.1 -8.59 1.68
870410 Vehicles; Dumpers, Designed For Off-highway Use, For Transport Of Goods 378.0 75.7 482.0 1,227.1 1,332.6 69.99 8.60 1.51 1,031.4 432.9 -58.03 0.72
847130 Automatic Data Processing Machines; Portable, Weighing Not More Than 10kg, Consisting Of At Least A Central Processing Unit, A Keyboard And A Display 1,104.1 887.1 1,824.9 1,688.4 1,167.0 7.84 -30.88 1.32 734.0 892.7 21.62 1.48
720241 Ferro-alloys; Ferro-chromium, Containing By Weight More Than 4% Of Carbon 758.1 707.9 2,002.5 2,239.3 1,158.3 22.13 -48.27 1.31 842.4 880.8 4.56 1.46
260111 Iron Ores And Concentrates; Non-agglomerated 405.1 635.3 1,341.2 1,124.5 1,125.9 29.89 0.12 1.28 688.9 1,013.9 47.16 1.68
310420 Fertilizers, Mineral Or Chemical; Potassic, Potassium Chloride 864.3 735.5 1,251.7 2,437.8 1,090.1 18.09 -55.28 1.24 775.3 743.1 -4.15 1.23
390210 Propylene, Other Olefin Polymers; Polypropylene In Primary Forms 934.4 669.9 1,095.1 1,220.1 918.9 5.82 -24.68 1.04 635.0 754.6 18.83 1.25
843149 Machinery; Parts Of Machines Handling Earth, Minerals Or Ores And N.e.c. In Heading No. 8431 599.5 371.9 626.1 978.5 892.8 19.29 -8.76 1.01 634.9 501.7 -20.98 0.83
848180 Taps, Cocks, Valves And Similar Appliances; For Pipes, Boiler Shells, Tanks, Vats Or The Like, Including Thermostatically Controlled Valves 667.6 603.5 726.0 860.3 871.9 9.29 1.35 0.99 559.1 592.8 6.03 0.98
854231 Electronic Integrated Circuits; Processors And Controllers, Whether Or Not Combined With Memories, Converters, Logic Circuits, Amplifiers, Clock And Timing Circuits, Or Other Circuits 320.4 332.2 456.9 1,008.8 853.9 35.95 -15.36 0.97 597.0 535.5 -10.30 0.89
852990 Reception And Transmission Apparatus; For Use With The Apparatus Of Heading No. 8525 To 8528, Excluding Aerials And Aerial Reflectors 1,146.3 1,008.4 1,272.3 945.8 838.2 -6.67 -11.38 0.95 603.0 575.6 -4.55 0.95
980170 0.0 0.0 403.7 888.2 833.4 0.00 -6.18 0.94 597.0 275.8 -53.80 0.46
270111 Coal; Anthracite, Whether Or Not Pulverised, But Not Agglomerated 169.3 229.8 462.1 769.5 831.8 55.14 8.09 0.94 615.0 440.8 -28.33 0.73
520100 Cotton; Not Carded Or Combed 1,117.6 774.6 1,104.3 1,332.3 815.2 -0.88 -38.81 0.92 535.7 556.7 3.92 0.92
290121 Acyclic Hydrocarbons; Unsaturated, Ethylene 619.4 587.8 856.4 930.5 809.3 10.45 -13.03 0.92 544.9 632.9 16.16 1.05
870899 Vehicle Parts And Accessories; N.e.c. In Heading No. 8708 727.2 418.6 690.3 886.9 799.4 9.86 -9.86 0.91 558.3 423.7 -24.11 0.70
940690 Buildings; Prefabricated, Not Of Wood 338.4 306.7 427.8 887.8 762.2 30.82 -14.15 0.86 454.0 416.9 -8.17 0.69
870840 Vehicle Parts; Gear Boxes And Parts Thereof 918.2 473.7 822.6 1,023.6 761.6 4.04 -25.60 0.86 523.1 411.3 -21.37 0.68
870423 Vehicles; Compression-ignition Internal Combustion Piston Engine (diesel Or Semi-diesel), For Transport Of Goods, (of A G.v.w. Exceeding 20 Tonnes), N.e.c. In Item No 8704.1 195.3 85.9 314.9 589.3 757.7 58.99 28.56 0.86 533.5 464.2 -12.98 0.77
740311 Copper; Refined, Unwrought, Cathodes And Sections Of Cathodes 612.6 503.6 805.2 674.8 754.8 7.36 11.86 0.86 522.2 511.1 -2.12 0.85
180100 Cocoa Beans; Whole Or Broken, Raw Or Roasted 584.6 505.5 616.9 547.3 732.3 5.44 33.80 0.83 518.9 580.7 11.90 0.96
720712 Iron Or Non-alloy Steel; Semi-finished Products Of Iron Or Non-alloy Steel; Containing By Weight Less Than 0.25% Of Carbon, Of Rectangular (other Than Square) Cross-section 601.7 591.7 1,076.4 1,059.9 730.2 10.19 -31.11 0.83 554.6 384.3 -30.71 0.64
020230 Meat; Of Bovine Animals, Boneless Cuts, Frozen 600.2 507.8 664.8 735.3 726.1 7.80 -1.25 0.82 443.6 230.7 -47.99 0.38
850440 Electrical Static Converters 388.4 379.4 469.5 592.9 695.5 17.49 17.31 0.79 448.8 459.2 2.32 0.76
870323 Vehicles; With Only Spark-ignition Internal Combustion Reciprocating Piston Engine, Cylinder Capacity Over 1500 But Not Over 3000cc 527.7 326.9 354.0 555.3 691.7 11.31 24.58 0.78 522.2 315.5 -39.57 0.52
210690 Food Preparations; N.e.c. In Item No. 2106.10 492.9 495.0 629.5 783.4 658.8 10.95 -15.90 0.75 460.2 437.5 -4.92 0.73
070320 Vegetables, Alliaceous; Garlic, Fresh Or Chilled 530.0 585.8 665.8 597.8 648.6 4.33 8.50 0.74 333.6 384.3 15.22 0.64
270400 Coke And Semi-coke; Of Coal, Lignite Or Peat, Whether Or Not Agglomerated; Retort Carbon 144.2 187.3 368.1 623.0 630.4 51.48 1.19 0.71 425.3 339.2 -20.25 0.56
390110 Ethylene Polymers; In Primary Forms, Polyethylene Having A Specific Gravity Of Less Than 0.94 602.8 432.1 673.7 713.1 618.5 5.68 -13.26 0.70 400.4 398.6 -0.45 0.66
271320 Petroleum Bitumen; Obtained From Bituminous Minerals 502.8 270.4 329.3 522.4 613.6 11.15 17.45 0.70 376.3 250.8 -33.36 0.42
853690 Electrical Apparatus; N.e.c. In Heading No. 8536, For Switching Or Protecting Electrical Circuits, For A Voltage Not Exceeding 1000 Volts 566.1 475.9 645.5 676.7 606.7 5.03 -10.35 0.69 418.2 438.3 4.80 0.73
300490 Medicaments; Consisting Of Mixed Or Unmixed Products N.e.c. In Heading No. 3004, For Therapeutic Or Prophylactic Uses, Packaged For Retail Sale 460.5 563.2 682.4 530.2 598.4 4.74 12.86 0.68 426.3 394.5 -7.45 0.65
040210 Dairy Produce; Milk And Cream, Concentrated Or Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter, In Powder, Granules Or Other Solid Forms, Of A Fat Content Not Exceeding 1.5% (by Weight) 441.7 541.6 595.6 860.5 596.0 11.20 -30.74 0.68 436.9 404.0 -7.52 0.67
722550 Steel, Alloy; Flat-rolled, Width 600mm Or More, Cold-rolled 393.1 188.9 447.2 664.6 594.1 23.17 -10.60 0.67 386.7 302.2 -21.87 0.50
847150 Units Of Automatic Data Processing Machines; Processing Units Other Than Those Of Item No. 8471.41 Or 8471.49, Whether Or Not Containing In The Same Housing One Or Two Of The Following Types Of Unit: Storage Units, Input Units Or Output Units 365.2 424.8 384.8 1,030.8 581.0 19.90 -43.64 0.66 400.9 322.9 -19.46 0.54

Sumber : Badan Pusat Statistik, diolah Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Kementerian Perdagangan

Definisi & Glosarium

  1. Impor: Kegiatan memasukan barang dan jasa yang dibeli oleh penduduk suatu negara dari penduduk negara lain yang berakibatnya arus keluar mata uang asing dari dalam negeri.
  2. Non Migas: Sektor impor di luar gas dan minyak bumi yang mencakup pertanian, industri pengolahan, pertambangan dan lainnya.
  3. Trend (%): persentase rata-rata pertumbuhan/pelemahan nilai perdagangan per tahun pada periode waktu yang ditentukan dalam satuan (%)
  4. Perub. (%): persentase pertumbuhan/pelemahan nilai perdagangan pada periode berjalan tahun terbaru dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya dalam satuan (%)
  5. Peran (%): persentase/proporsi nilai ekspor dari uraian tertentu terhadap ekspor non migas Indonesia dalam satuan (%)
  6. Komoditi: pengelompokan produk impor non migas berdasarkan BTKI 2017 HS 2 dijit atau HS 6 Dijit
  7. Negara asal: negara pengimpor barang ke wilayah Indonesia
  8. Pelabuhan Bongkar: Pelabuhan tujuan impor di Indonesia
  9. Golongan Barang: Klasifikasi produk impor yang terdiri dari barang konsumsi, bahan baku penolong dan barang modal

  1. Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Komoditi): menampilkan nilai impor sektor non migas Indonesia berdasarkan BTKI 2017 menggunakan HS 2 dijit atau HS 6 dijit yang diurutkan nilai impor terbesar tahun terakhir
  2. Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Negara Asal): menampilkan nilai impor sektor non migas Indonesia berdasarkan negara asal impor yang diurutkan nilai impor terbesar tahun terakhir
  3. Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Provinsi): menampilkan data impor sektor non migas Indonesia berdasarkan provinsi tujuan impor yang diurutkan berdasarkan nilai impor terbesar tahun terakhir
  4. Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Pelabuhan Bongkar): menampilkan nilai impor sektor non migas Indonesia berdasarkan Pelabuhan Bongkar yang diurutkan berdasarkan nilai impor terbesar tahun terakhir
  5. Perkembangan Impor Non Migas (Golongan Barang): menampilkan nilai impor sektor non migas Indonesia berdasarkan golongan barang yaitu bahan baku penolong, barang konsumsi dan barang modal yang diurutkan berdasarkan nilai ekspor tertinggi tahun terakhir

Data impor non migas yang ditampilkan merupakan data tahunan sejak tahun 2017 hingga tahun terkini, beserta data kumulatif bulan berjalan tahun terkini dan tahun sebelumnya
Pusat Bantuan Kemendag (HERO)